Bushfire Emergency Information

Published: 4 Jan 2020

Maritime Union of Australia offices in Newcastle, Sydney, Port Kembla, Melbourne, Devonport, Adelaide and Fremantle are now collection points for donations for the bushfire relief effort.

We are collecting:

Non perishable food items. Including longlife milk and drinks, pet food etc

Clothing in clean and good condition

Personal hygiene items for adults and children. Wipes, Nappies, Feminine Hygiene Products, Toothpaste, Soap etc

You can donate in normal business hours at the following addresses: 

NEWCASTLE 406-408 King St Ncle West

SYDNEY 365 Sussex Street Level 1&2

PORT KEMBLA 64 Darcy Road

MELBOURNE 43 Ireland St West Melbourne

ADELAIDE 65 St Vincent Street, Port Adelaide

FREMANTLE 2-4 Kwong Alley, North Fremantle

We are also collecting cash donations. 


Account Name: MUA Fire Appeal

BSB 802-000

Account Number: 4626 S5.2


For external:

BSB: 882-000

Account: 100103618

Account Name: MUA - Fire Appeal

Please ensure Name of donator is listed when transferring.


The following information has been issued by MUA Sydney Branch

3 January 2020



Communities across the country are facing unprecedented emergency situations as a catastrophic consequence of failed policies by successive governments at a Federal and State level. The climate is changing; it is generating negative impacts in an increasingly dramatic fashion, resulting in death and destruction. We have seen too many homes destroyed and too many lives lost as the continuation of failed policies persists.

Whilst we will continue to advocate for radical transformation of policies to address these crises we have members, and the communities they live in facing hardship, loss, and in need of assistance. The MUA Sydney Branch Executive has been in contact with multiple government agencies, unions, company’s in the maritime industry and politicians across the political spectrum to outline our willingness to assist in any way we are capable of to provide the support, individuals or the community requires.

Presently it has been reported to us, that the situation is under control by the relevant authorities and whilst our assistance is appreciated it is not needed at the moment. This is for a range of reasons including assets already provided or being made available and on call. This includes Ferries, Tugs, and Port Authority marine assets. We also have MUA members who are engaged as crew on three ships and helping in the evacuation that has been underway in the past few days.

But there is more that needs to be done in the upcoming days, weeks and months.

The MUA Sydney Branch is asking for volunteers to make themselves available in the event our assistance is required. This could be simply volunteering our time, to making available any marine equipment or resources (boats, trawlers, jet skis etc) or road based vehicles (cars, trucks, minivans, utes etc) to transport any provisions required etc. Please email us at muasyd@mua.org.au if you can assist or donate.

The MUA Sydney Branch will also be a drop off point for members who wish to donate clothing to those who have been impacted by these devastating fires and have members who are collecting and distributing clothing to the evacuation centres. If you have gear or other necessary provisions such as water or food etc. you wish to donate, please drop it into the rooms or get in touch with an Official who will come out to your site to pick it up.

If any member requires any assistance whatsoever, please get in contact with your Officials. We have a number of members who have been dramatically impacted and our solidarity is with them. We have members who have been trapped by the fires and unable to attend work, if this is you please contact your Official.

Workers should not be disadvantaged as a consequence of the failed actions of our politicians. We do not believe that members should have to access their personal leave if they are trapped by these fires. A number of companies have already agreed and we are hopeful that the entire industry will also.

We also have Hunterlink www.hunterlink.org.au or 1800 554 654 available for members who require assistance, no matter where you live or what member of your family requires assistance.

Look after yourselves, your families and your communities.

On behalf of the MUA Sydney Branch Executive.

In Solidarity,

Paul McAleer

Sydney Branch Secretary

Maritime Union of Australia

International support

To the Australian unions:

Dear Colleagues,

It is with horror that we look at the news reports about the fires devastating whole parts of your beautiful country. We can only try to imagine what this means for the local population, the animals and the nature in Australia.

We hereby want to express our sincere solidarity with the Australian people, with the working people and especially with the transport workers, that are suffering deeply due to this catastrophe. We also want to express our deepest admiration for the courage of the many fire fighters and volunteers doing a tremendous job in such dangerous circumstances.

Yours sincerely

Frank Moreels
President of BTB (Belgium)
President of ETF


Respected Brother and sisters,

Maritime union of Australia ,

I am shocked and saddened to hear the news of devastating wildfire that has claimed lives of numbers of people, millions of animals and destroyed many properties. in this time of Natural disaster , I personally along with all the Nepalese workers are with all of the Australia. Also I pray that Australia returns back to its normal life as soon as possible.



Ajay Kumar Rai

Chief Advisor & Foreign Department Chief - Nepal Transport Workers Union ( NETWON )
Kathmandu , www.netwon.org.np

Executive Board Member - International Transport Worker's Federation ( ITF )

Vice - President - Nepal Trade Union Congress ( NTUC )
Kathmandu ( www.ntuc.org.np )





Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney